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From the sacrifice of Hajj to the heroes of Gaza

We are all witnesses to the tremendous events taking place in Palestine, and elsewhere.

As we enter Dhull Hijjah and millions of Muslims descend upon Makkah for Hajj, we are reminded of the greatness of our Ummah.

In the face of unspeakable adversity we stand in awe of the inspiring sacrifices of our heroes, from Gaza to Guantanamo Bay.

They have begun a global awakening for justice.

This Dhull Hijjah we must stand united to honour their sacrifice.

That is our Duty

Seize these blessed days and earn the reward of standing for Justice everyday by setting up a daily contribution.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “No good deeds can be done at a time better than these first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.”

Reach £30 000 in 10 days

You can give life to this mission to REVIVE JUSTICE!

Together, we can aspire to attain the reward promised by the Prophet (peace be upon him) on the day of judgement:

‘"The Just will be seated upon pulpits of light". (Muslim)

Let’s reach £30,000 in 10 days.

Reviving justice can not wait!

This mission cannot wait!

The oppressed cannot wait!

In these best 10 days of the year, where rewards are multiplied, we cannot miss this opportunity to give charity to support justice and assist the oppressed. Give daily today.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Allah said: Spend in charity, O son of Adam, and I will spend on you.”

What Imams and survivors say about us?