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CAGE Africa calls for a rethink of AMISOM’s involvement in Somalia after killing of civilians by Ethiopian troops

July 27, 2016

Cape Town – CAGE Africa deplores the massacre by Ethiopian troops of Somali civilians in Wardiinle village, near Baydhabo. At least 14 Somali elders were killed. According to witness reports, Ethiopian troops, part of the UN-mandated African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), barged into a house and massacred the elders while they had gathered to read the Qu’ran for an ill person. CAGE Africa calls for a fair and transparent inquiry and for the perpetrators to be held fully accountable. More importantly, questions need to be asked about AMISOM’s role and presence in Somalia. Grave incidents such as mass murder, torture and rape involving AMISOM soldiers have been recurring. Such acts only destabilise the region and act to propel more people on the path of political violence.

Feroze Boda, spokesperson for CAGE Africa, said:

“This is a horrific act of violence against civilians. CAGE Africa calls for full accountability for the perpetrators involved. Only full accountability will halt the cycles of violence in Somalia.” “AMISOM is meant to be a peacekeeping force, yet, since its inception by the African Union, its troops have been accused of serious crimes including rape, mass murder and torture. The silence of its funders, the United Nations and the European Union, only acts to drive people towards political violence, instead of countering it.”

Press enquiries

  CC image courtesy of AMISOM Public Information on Flickr

<em>Cape Town</em> – CAGE Africa deplores the massacre by Ethiopian troops of Somali civilians in Wardiinle village, near Baydhabo. At least 14 Somali elders were killed. According to<strong> <a href="">witness reports</a></strong>, Ethiopian troops, part of the UN-mandated African Union Mission to Somalia <strong><a href="">(AMISOM)</a></strong>, barged into a house and massacred the elders while they had gathered to read the Qu’ran for an ill person. CAGE Africa calls for a fair and transparent inquiry and for the perpetrators to be held fully accountable. More importantly, questions need to be asked about AMISOM’s role and presence in Somalia. Grave incidents such as mass murder, torture and rape involving AMISOM soldiers have been recurring. Such acts only <strong><a href="">destabilise the region</a></strong> and act to propel more people on the path of political violence. <h3>Karen Jayes, spokesperson for CAGE Africa, said:</h3> “This is a horrific act of violence against civilians. CAGE Africa calls for full accountability for the perpetrators involved. Only full accountability will halt the cycles of violence in Somalia.” “AMISOM is meant to be a peacekeeping force, yet, since its inception by the <strong><a href="">African Union</a></strong>, its troops have been accused of serious crimes including rape, mass murder and torture. The silence of its funders, the United Nations and the <strong><a href="">European Union</a>,</strong> only acts to drive people towards political violence, instead of countering it.” <blockquote><strong>Press enquiries</strong> Karen Jayes <span style="color: #ff6600;"></span> <span style="color: #ff6600;">+27 84 648 1425</span> <span style="color: #ff6600;">+27 21 680-5177</span></blockquote> &nbsp; <em>CC image courtesy of <a class="owner-name truncate" title="Go to AMISOM Public Information's photostream" href="" data-track="attributionNameClick">AMISOM Public Information</a> on Flickr</em>

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CAGE Africa calls for a rethink of AMISOM’s involvement in Somalia after killing of civilians by Ethiopian troops
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CAGE Africa calls for a rethink of AMISOM’s involvement in Somalia after killing of civilians by Ethiopian troops
Statements & Press Releases