CAGE submission on the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill (CTBS) 2018

CAGE responds to a call for evidence on the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill (CTBS) 2018. The CTBS Bill builds upon and expands many aspects of British anti-terrorism law that have been controversially amassed over the past 18 years. The dangers presented in this Bill are three-pronged. These include: 1\. Strengthening the hard arm of policing, by introducing new and broader terror-related offences and longer prison sentences; 2\. Widening the scope of surveillance and intelligence-gathering outside the sphere of crime, with new powers to stop, search and detain individuals without suspicion; and 3\. Securitising the public sector and space further, by co-opting local authorities further into the counter-terror apparatus. We believe that the CTBS Bill will increase an already unreasonable security environment in the UK, beyond all measure of necessity.
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