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Adil Oumoussa on hunger strike in Salé prison Morocco

December 10, 2014
<em>My name is <strong>Asma Oumoussa</strong>. I am the sister of Adil Oumoussa who has been detained since 16 August 2013 under the false accusation of terrorism. My brother is only 26 and was teaching Islamic sciences.</em> <p style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 225px; height: 300px;" src="" alt="" /></p> They came to arrest him at five in the morning and told him it would only be for a few days. He would just be interrogated and then released. Since then, I’ve only seen him once since we live 600 kilometres away from the prison. My brother is being detained at Salé prison, Zaki II. For over a year now, than a year now, my brother and his fellow detainees have suffered a series of harassment and abuses practiced by the authorities of Zaki II  Prison. They are deprived if the most basic rights such as access to a doctor. They have made many complaints, but in vain. As I am writing, my brother is on hunger-strike. He has not eaten since 18 November 2014. He has been arbitrary sent to Tifelt even before any court issued a ruling. He has been dragged into a cell with more than 35 other prisoners. He has nowhere to put his personal luggage which make even sleeping almost impossible. Beside the lack of hygiene and fresh air, the smoke of cigarettes, respiratory and dermatologic diseases makes life almost unbearable. Adil Oumoussa is a prisoner of conscience. He is detained for his beliefs and ideas, yet, he is now kept with rapists, killers and other criminals. One can only imagine the atmosphere under which he and other “Islamic” prisoners live every day, the Moral corruption that prevails in the cell and the effect on his moral health. In two words: psychological torture. For all of that and more I send you this letter, in the hope of that this action may help their situation, I sincerely hope you’ll publish a word about my brother and the suffering he and the other detainees are enduring. I do not know how long he can stand this hunger strike. I know there is very little I can do but we can try to improve his condition by raising awareness of his case. Respectfully, Asma Oumoussa

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Adil Oumoussa on hunger strike in Salé prison Morocco
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Adil Oumoussa on hunger strike in Salé prison Morocco
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