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The Confident Muslim Conference

January 27, 2016
&nbsp; <p style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 450px; height: 630px;" src="" alt="" /></p> <div>Is it Allah's plan for you to hesitate before "sounding" Muslim, or "looking" Muslim? Having to involuntarily stomach another sickening attack on Islam, our Prophet (saw), and our people (and you hadn't even digested the last). To see the thousandth tired, but somehow necessary, reiteration on live television that "Islam is a religion of peace".</div> <div></div> <div>As we turn away from the LCD glow of the living room, we’re still straining our eyes from the LCD glow of the Muslim condition. But are we to stomach this, too? It doesn't seem like a ‘struggle’ in Allah's path... there's something too servile, too sycophantic about it. About being talked down to for believing in Him and the message, being tempted to compromise our faith, and to be assured that the only way forward is one where our Islam takes a back seat.</div> <div></div> <div>This is what the Confident Muslim Campaign sought to help address in its conception mid last year. Students from MSAs across Sydney worked together to raise awareness and assist in shifting an attitude away from our old, timid diffidence, and toward a new, assertive confidence, in our Muslim consciousness.</div> <div></div> <div>The campaign now culminates in the Confident Muslim Conference. We want to draw in bold ink how we as Muslims need to be: our psyche, our certainty and our conviction; diagnosing the reality before us with a critical lens and living our lives with a clear vision and a clear agenda, on the basis of our Islam.</div> <div></div> <div>A vision that knows full well that our nation is different, strange, ghareeb. But for that very reason, we grow in confidence. So glad tidings be to the strangers.</div> <div></div> <div><strong>Date and Time:</strong></div> <div>7 February 2016</div> <div>9:00–15:00 in UTC+11</div> <div></div> <div><strong>Venue:</strong></div> <div> <div>Orion Function Centre</div> <div>155 Beamish Street, Sydney, Australia 2194</div> </div> <div></div> <div> <div><strong>Ticket Prices:</strong></div> <div>Early Birds (until 31/1/16): $10</div> <div>Normal price (after 31/1/16): $15</div> <div>At the door: $20</div> <div></div> <div>For Bank Transfers:</div> <div>Account Name: CMC Ticketing</div> <div>BSB: 112-879</div> <div>ACC No.: 432 721 207</div> <div>(Include your name as the reference)</div> <div></div> <div>To pick up your ticket in person, contact us on the following numbers and we'll guide you to the closest ticket stand near your locality!</div> <div></div> <div>Sisters call: 0433 489 060</div> <div>Brothers call: 0410 948 899</div> </div>

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The Confident Muslim Conference
The Confident Muslim Conference