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CAGE takes legal steps against government and Charity Commission following sustained attacks

July 21, 2015

London - As a result of sustained and coordinated attacks by the government and Charity Commission on CAGE, the organisation is taking various legal steps to correct misleading information about its role and advocacy work. 1) CAGE is currently seeking legal advice on whether British Prime Minister David Cameron is guilty of defamation for labelling CAGE an ‘extremist’ organisation which supports ISIS and Jihadi John. This statement is simply false. CAGE has never supported terrorism in any way. Our work involves advocating for due process and adhering to the principle of the rule of law as a means of ending the War on Terror. We stand against torture and against the violation of human rights, particularly the rights of free speech and association. We believe the PREVENT strategy will fail to counter political violence. 2) CAGE has also made a judicial review application against the Charity Commission, alleging that it exceeded its role as government regulator by pressuring the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Roddick Foundation to stop funding CAGE. The judicial review application will be heard on Thursday. Not only did the Charity Commission spread false information based on misleading reports in certain sections of the media about CAGE, it also exceeded it's role of a charity sector regulator, by demonising CAGE because it was approached for advice by Mohammed Emwazi, prior to him leaving for Syria. 3) CAGE has also complained formally to the United Nations about sustained attacks on its ability to do its advocacy work, which involves campaigning for the rights of those adversely affected by the War on Terror. Dr Adnan Siddiqui, Director of CAGE said: “The concerted efforts to demonise CAGE are counter productive and fits into a broader counter-terrorism strategy that is founded on a combative, securitised approach that will increase the chance of politically motivated violence, rather than counter it. "CAGE is taking steps to challenge this strategy, as maligning us will damage efforts made by various sections of society to search for solutions to issues that affect all of society. We are not the problem even though our call for dialogue and conciliation may not be welcome by the government. We are looking to all fair minded people to join us in preventing alienation, division and fear with a view to preserving the basic freedoms that have been the fruits of the struggles of previous generations." Press enquiries:

Ibrahim Mohamoud

Communications officer

+(44) 207 377 6700  | \

<em>London - </em>As a result of sustained and coordinated attacks by the government and Charity Commission on CAGE, the organisation is taking various legal steps to correct misleading information about its role and advocacy work. 1) CAGE is currently seeking legal advice on whether British Prime Minister David Cameron is guilty of defamation for labelling CAGE an ‘extremist’ organisation which supports ISIS and Jihadi John. This statement is simply false. CAGE has never supported terrorism in any way. Our work involves advocating for due process and adhering to the principle of the rule of law as a means of ending the War on Terror. We stand against torture and against the violation of human rights, particularly the rights of free speech and association. We believe the <strong><a href="">PREVENT strategy will fail to counter political violence</a>.</strong> 2) CAGE has also made a<strong> <a href="">judicial review application against the Charity Commission</a></strong>, alleging that it exceeded its role as government regulator by pressuring the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Roddick Foundation to <strong><a href="">stop funding CAGE</a></strong>. The judicial review application will be heard on Thursday. Not only did the Charity Commission spread false information based on misleading reports in certain sections of the media about CAGE, it also <strong><a href="">exceeded it's role of a charity sector regulator</a></strong>, by demonising CAGE because it was approached for advice by Mohammed Emwazi, prior to him leaving for Syria. 3) CAGE has also complained formally to the United Nations about sustained attacks on its ability to do its advocacy work, which involves campaigning for the rights of those adversely affected by the War on Terror. <strong><em>Dr Adnan Siddiqui, Director of CAGE</em></strong> said: “The concerted efforts to demonise CAGE are counter productive and fits into a broader counter-terrorism strategy that is founded on a combative, securitised approach that will increase the chance of politically motivated violence, <strong><a href="">rather than counter it</a></strong>. "CAGE is taking steps to challenge this strategy, as maligning us will damage efforts made by various sections of society to search for solutions to issues that affect all of society. We are not the problem even though our call for dialogue and conciliation may not be welcome by the government. We are looking to all fair minded people to join us in preventing alienation, division and fear with a view to preserving the basic freedoms that have been the fruits of the struggles of previous generations." <em><strong>Press enquiries:</strong></em> <div>Ibrahim Mohamoud</div> <div>Communications officer</div> <div>+(44) 207 377 6700  | <strong><a href=""></a></strong></div> <div></div>

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CAGE takes legal steps against government and Charity Commission following sustained attacks
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CAGE takes legal steps against government and Charity Commission following sustained attacks
Statements & Press Releases